Monday, 9 January 2017

Investigation on Characteristics of Fly Ash and Crusher Waste Stabilized Black Cotton Soil Bricks

Vol. 4  Issue 2
Year: 2014
Issue: Mar-May
Title:Investigation on Characteristics of Fly Ash and Crusher Waste Stabilized Black Cotton Soil Bricks
Author Name:T.Sekar
An experimental investigation has been carried out to study the feasibility of manufacturing bricks from locally available black cotton soil using industrial waste materials such as fly ash and crusher waste. In order to study the characteristics of brick, a total of 504 numbers of brick specimens of 230 x 110 x 70 mm size were cast in three series by combining black cotton soil, fly ash and crusher waste in different proportions. The brick specimens were then air dried, baked in kiln and tested for compressive strength, water absorption, efflorescence and density as per IS:3495 code. Also, for comparison purpose, 18 numbers of conventional burnt clay bricks and 18 numbers of pressed type water cured cement fly ash bricks were tested for the aforesaid brick properties. Test results obtained in the present investigation indicate that it is possible to manufacture good quality bricks from locally available black cotton soil by suitably adding either fly ash or crusher waste or both, and such bricks can be used in lieu of conventional burnt clay bricks or pressed type water cured cement fly ash bricks presently in use for various construction activities.

Plastics and FRP Materials used in Railways

Vol. 4  Issue 2
Year: 2014
Issue: Mar-May
Title:Plastics and FRP Materials used in Railways
Author Name:Pawan Malik
The emergence of Plastic industries has become a boon for various engineering applications. Plastics are durable, light weight materials, which are easy to transport. The major advantage of plastic is it is recyclable in nature, which helps to conserve landfill space, natural resources and reduce pollution. Earlier in railways, wooden, concrete or steel sleepers are used. Due to their high cost and limited life span, nowadays plastics sleepers are used all over the world at large scale. An attempt has been made to study various engineering plastics used in railways and the advantages of plastics over other construction materials. Moreover, special attention is given to Fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) i.e. plastics composites. The study concluded that plastics composites are more reliable, more economically viable and have longer life span.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Numerical Modelling of Pull Out Resistance of Anchored Stone Column in Soft Clay

Vol.4  No.1

Year: 2014

Issue: Dec-Feb

Title : Numerical Modelling of Pull Out Resistance of Anchored Stone Column in Soft Clay

Author Name : Chokhawala H. N, Desai. D. J , Rudani S. V. , SHAH R. D. , Raval K. J. , Dr. Yogendra Tandel

Synopsis :

Ground improvement refers to a technique that improves the engineering properties of the soil like shear strength, stiffness and permeability. Stone column is one of the ground improvement techniques often applied due to its low cost, environment friendly and ease in construction. Stone column are employed to resist the compressive loads. They are not capable to resist uplift pressure. Stone column modified with anchor at the base of the stone column refers to as Anchored Stone Column (ASC). ASC can resist uplift pressure addition to compressive load. An anchor placed at the base of the stone column and attached to the footing by a cable or rod transfer the applied force to the bottom of the stone column. This paper demonstrates the result from two dimensional finite element analysis, using PLAXIS 2D software, under taken on a typical unit cell model. The study will investigate the ability of ASC to resist uplift force and failure modes. The parametric study consider the effect of length to diameter ratio of stone column, area replacement ratio, stiffness of the stone column material to that of soil surrounding the stone column.

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Quantitative CT-Scan Imaging Approach in Determining The Air Voids and Aggregate Content in Concrete

Vol.4  No.1

Year: 2014

Issue: Dec-Feb

Title : Quantitative CT-Scan Imaging Approach in Determining The Air Voids and Aggregate Content in Concrete

Author Name : Arash Razmjoo, Amir Poursaee

Synopsis :

Regardless of using high quality cement and aggregates in concrete mixture, improper mixing, placement, finishing and curing practices can negatively impact the quality of concrete and cause a premature failure, or development of defects. Uneven distribution of the ingredients such as clustering of coarse aggregates, air voids or un-hydrated cement particles, significant variation in paste density, and insufficient compaction are the main results of the inadequate mixing. Microscopic analysis is the most common technique for identifying such problems due to mixing. However, this method is limited by three main issues: (i) relatively long time is required for sample preparation and performing the test, (ii) the information is obtained in 2D and just from one section, and (iii) the technique relies on the experience of the operator. To minimize these restrictions in this research, Quantitative Computer Tomography (QCT) scanning method is used as a powerful alternative to the microscopic examination to analyze the coarse aggregates and air voids in concrete samples. A computer code was developed which enables the users to perform all measurements automatically in a short period of time. Results are in very good agreement with the conventional microscopic technique. The accuracy, rapid performance and personnel independency of this method make it a promising technique for assessment, failure analysis, forensic investigations and quality control of the bridge deck concrete cores as well as laboratory samples.

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Foam Concrete - A Better Replacement To The Traditional Heavy Concrete

Vol.4  No.1

Year: 2014

Issue: Dec-Feb

Title : Foam Concrete - A Better Replacement To The Traditional Heavy Concrete

Author Name : Shreya Thusoo, Ayush Rai, Maiti.P.R

Synopsis :

This paper gives an introduction to a new form of concrete called foam concrete which is manufactured by mixing a cement paste or slurry with a manufactured foam material. It is a revolutionary new cementing material which is both lightweight and strong. Here the technique of cast in-situ foam concrete preparation, use of fly ash as a filler material in foam concrete and a comparative study of heat insulation capacity of foam concrete to other commonly used construction materials has been presented. The paper discusses the changes in the property of foam concrete because of the use of different graded sands and different water-solid ratios. Its uses and advantages over other construction materials have also been enlisted.

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Application Of Transparent Concrete In Construction World

Vol.4  No.1

Year: 2014

Issue: Dec-Feb

Title : Application Of Transparent Concrete In Construction World

Author Name : Ramansh Bajpai

Synopsis :

The transparent concrete is one of the greatest discoveries in construction world. Nowadays, as theatricality with durability is the major requirement for any structural element, transparent concrete meets both the criteria. The transparent concrete is produced from fine grained concrete and translucent fibers casted in layer. Because of the small amount of fabric and solidity, it is similar to high strength concrete, almost free energy loss and light penetration through optic fibers makes to see light, shadow and colors. So it is highly useful in skyscrapers and for decorative purposes. It is a combination of optical fibers and concrete. A wall made of transparent concrete has the strength of traditional concrete but thanks to an embedded array of optical glass fibers, which lets in the view of the outside world, such as the shadow of trees, or passersby, that are displayed inside the building. It is a bit cheaper and one of the major advantages of this concrete is that it is eco-friendly, aesthetic and saves energy too. As the height of the building increases or there are many skyscrapers within a confined area, use of ordinary concrete which is very dense, make rooms dark which may have ill effects in the building. Hence, transparent concrete can be used which allows light to pass through it. White or colorful illumination elements can be utilized to create special light and color effects. The phenomenon of light transmitting concrete in the form of widely applicable new building materials is accepted

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Durability Studies On Steel Fiber- Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete

Vol.4  No.1

Year: 2014

Issue: Dec-Feb

Title : Durability Studies On Steel Fiber- Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete

Author Name : M.S. Shreenivas Reddy, P. Srinivas Rao

Synopsis :

This paper presents an experimental study on the durability properties of steel fiber reinforced self compacting concrete[3,14]. Experiments were conducted to study the effect of steel fibers on weight loss (in acidic and alkaline environment) and permeability of steel fiber reinforced self compacting concrete (SFR-SCC)[5]. The variables considered were grade of concrete (M35, M45, M55 and M65) and fiber content (0, 0.5 and 1 percent). The ordinary Portland cement and fly-ash[6] were used as the main ingredients. It was observed that the weight loss reduced and chloride ion penetration increased with the increase in the value of fiber content, further, it was also noticed that the value decreases with the increase in the value of compressive strength of SCC.

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