Thursday, 3 October 2019

Factors Causing Delay in Marine Construction Projects in India

Volume 8 Issue 3 June - August 2018

Research Paper

Factors Causing Delay in Marine Construction Projects in India

Abhishek Shrivas*, Harish Kumar Singla**
* Assistant Professor, National Institute of Construction Management and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
** Associate Professor, National Institute of Construction Management and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Shrivas, A., Singla, H. K. (2018). Factors Causing Delay in Marine Construction Projects in India. i-manager's Journal on Civil Engineering, 8(3), 12-19.


The present study is an attempt to find out the most important factors that affect the time overrun in marine construction projects. Based on the literature review and expert opinion, 18 critical factors that affect the time overrun are identified. An analysis was done using Relative Importance Index (RII) method to find out the ranks of all these factors. Poor project monitoring and lack of defined project management plan are identified as the most critical factors based on RII. Further these 18 factors were categorized into three parts, i.e. planning related, execution related, and general factors and it was found out that planning related factors are more critical, followed by execution and general factors based on average scores using descriptive analysis. However, one way ANOVA results indicated that all three factors are equally important for delay in projects and respondents do not differentiate a great deal between them.
The entire dataset was further investigated to see, if client, contractor and consultant differentiate between planning, execution and general factors. The findings indicate that all three stakeholders consider these factors equally important and do not differentiate between them.

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