Vol. 4 Issue 4
Year: 2014
Issue: Sep-Nov
Title:Inexpensive Method of Fluoride Removal of Water Using Cost Effective Adsorbents
Author Name:Gayathri.G and Prahallada M.C
The main objective of the experimental investigation was to develop inexpensive and safe methods of fluoride removal. The adsorbents used in this investigation are amla powder, tamarind powder, neem powder; brick powders, clay with sand which were inexpensive and nontoxic materials available easily in nature and locally at village/rural level. Some of the adsorbents are very effective in removal of fluoride ions,and can be used as fluoridating agents but they impart color and turbidity to the treated drinking water. Among all adsorbents, amla powder was found to be the most cost effective in adsorbing fluorine ions. Tamarind and brick powder were also found to be efficient adsorbents to certain extent. Clay mixed with different percentage of sand was also capable of adsorbing fluoride ions at lower pH value. Both batch and column experiments were conducted, and fluoride removal capacity was studied with respect to time and flow rates lit/day respectively. Finally, it has been observed that adsorbents were definitely having good adsorbent capacity, pH and fluoride concentration and are well within permissible limits.
Year: 2014
Issue: Sep-Nov
Title:Inexpensive Method of Fluoride Removal of Water Using Cost Effective Adsorbents
Author Name:Gayathri.G and Prahallada M.C
The main objective of the experimental investigation was to develop inexpensive and safe methods of fluoride removal. The adsorbents used in this investigation are amla powder, tamarind powder, neem powder; brick powders, clay with sand which were inexpensive and nontoxic materials available easily in nature and locally at village/rural level. Some of the adsorbents are very effective in removal of fluoride ions,and can be used as fluoridating agents but they impart color and turbidity to the treated drinking water. Among all adsorbents, amla powder was found to be the most cost effective in adsorbing fluorine ions. Tamarind and brick powder were also found to be efficient adsorbents to certain extent. Clay mixed with different percentage of sand was also capable of adsorbing fluoride ions at lower pH value. Both batch and column experiments were conducted, and fluoride removal capacity was studied with respect to time and flow rates lit/day respectively. Finally, it has been observed that adsorbents were definitely having good adsorbent capacity, pH and fluoride concentration and are well within permissible limits.
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