Monday, 9 January 2017

Effect of Various Sizes of Stone Dust on Strength Characteristics of Clayey Sub Grade Soil

Vol. 6  Issue 4
Year: 2016
Issue: Sep-Nov
Title:Effect of Various Sizes of Stone Dust on Strength Characteristics of Clayey Sub Grade Soil
Author Name: T. Vamsi Krishna, and Kommu Suresh
In general, the clayey soils reduces the enactment and lifetime of Civil Engineering structures, causing problems due to their low load carrying capacity. The Rapid growth of industries produces hazardous waste materials which act as a pollutant that affect the ecological system of the environment. Several researchers have used many additives to stabilize the soil as economical. Here, the stone dust has been used in the present study which possesses high calcium content. In this research, the effect of various sizes (5mm, 3mm, <75μ) of Stone dust with different proportions (5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5% and 15%) for untreated and treated soils were studied using direct shear, permeability, UCS (qu) and CBR tests. Also the modulus of elasticity of various soil mixes for sub-grade and sub-base have been determined. From the test results it has been concluded that the strength of the soil has been improved and there is a decrease in the permeability with the increase in the addition of stone dust.

Rectification of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils using Phytoremediation Process

Vol. 6  Issue 4
Year: 2016
Issue: Sep-Nov
Title:Rectification of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils using Phytoremediation Process
Author Name: A. Rajitha Sree, B. Nagamalleswara Rao and Kommu Suresh
Soil is an abundant natural resource of ecosystem. In recent decades, serious contamination of soils have been reported due to the uncontrolled release of hazardous wastes like petroleum products, heavy metals, Solid waste dump site, oil spills etc. The environmental friendly solution for this problem is phytoremediation. This paper aims to study decontamination of naturally and artificially contaminated soils with heavy metals like lead, Cadmium, Zinc, Chromium using sorghum plant. The Geo-Environmental properties of virgin, naturally and artificially contaminated soils before and after remediation could be monitored by the basic index properties, suchas total organic content, PH, Electrical conductivity and the values are listed in Tables 1, 2, 3. The heavy metal concentration left in soil and plant after phytoremediation process could be determined by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AASPM).

Soil Stabilization using Terrasil, Cement and Flyash

Vol. 6  Issue 4
Year: 2016
Issue: Sep-Nov
Title:Soil Stabilization using Terrasil, Cement and Flyash
Author Name: M. Gayathri, P.N. Singh and M.G Prashanth
Soil stabilization is a process which permanently changes the physical and chemical properties of soil. Soil stabilization is used to improve the bearing capacity of poor sub grade or sub-base soil to make it suitable to support structures like pavements, railways, foundations etc. Addition of nano particles to natural soil materials are often used to affect soil atomic structure thereby changing its permeability, strength and resistance properties. The addition of Cement (OPC) and terrasil is known to improve the strength of soils. This project primarily deals with the investigation of the strength characteristics of block cotton soil when mixed with a range of proportions of additives such as terrasil, fly ash and cement using CBR and UCC tests. The natural soil was tested according to Indian standards. The soil is classified as CH. Addition of cement and terrasil were based on the guidelines given by the ZYDEX Company. The test results show that the CBR and UCC values are similar for the proportions Cement (OPC) (3%) + terrasil (0.1%) and cement (OPC) (2%) + fly ash (5%) + terrasil (0.1%).

Swell and Strength Characteristics of Expansive Soil Reinforced with Synthetic Fibers

Vol. 6  Issue 4
Year: 2016
Issue: Sep-Nov
Title:Swell and Strength Characteristics of Expansive Soil Reinforced with Synthetic Fibers
Author Name: G. Sai Sravya, and Kommu Suresh
This paper presents the heave behaviour of expansive clay reinforced with Synthetic-fibres. Expansive clay is common to many parts of central and southern India, as well as elsewhere in the world. It has caused significant structural damage to an alarming number of buildings, particularly light weight structures and pavements. The pressures generated by swelling of clay can be devastating to the foundation if not managed properly. The expansive potential of soil varies dramatically from one season to another at any site due to the change in moisture content, which is the driving force in swell/shrink cycle. In this study, research has been carried out to study the effect of Synthetic-Fibers (Polypropylene and Polyester fibers) in curbing the swelling tendency of expansive clays. The behavioral changes in the soil samples were determined using One Dimensional swell-consolidation tests. In addition, the strength characteristics of the soil were also determined using Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) tests and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests for varied range of percentages of Synthetic-Fibers induced (i.e., from 0.2% to 0.8%). The swell-consolidation and strength parameters of soil are accomplished for varied Synthetic-Fibers and it is observed that the swell pressure has decreased by addition of fibers where as the voids ratio has increased on addition of Synthetic-fibers. The UCS and CBR of the soil have increased by increasing the proportion of fibres.

Effect of Tyre Powder on Strength Characteristics of Red and Black Cotton Soil

Vol. 6  Issue 4
Year: 2016
Issue: Sep-Nov
Title:Effect of Tyre Powder on Strength Characteristics of Red and Black Cotton Soil
Author Name: A. Sathwik, and P. Artisudam 
Scrap tyres are being accumulated in large volume, which is disposed into the environment through dumping yards causing damage to the eco-system. As the tyres are manufactured with synthetic rubber that has high carbon content, disposal of the waste has become difficult. It is estimated that approximately more than 70% of the wastes are disposed in improper way in various areas. Unique characteristics of the tyre shreds such as light weight, good insulation, good long term durability and high compressibility properties enable civil engineers to use waste tyres in civil engineering applications. Utilization of these waste tyres in the field of geotechnical engineering is a challenge to improve the characteristics of soil which is one of the essential materials used in construction projects. An experimental program of Standard Proctor tests, Permeability, Unconfined Compression tests and California Bearing Ratio tests were carried out on the specimens of two types of cohesive soil-tyre mixtures, by varying tyre powder content like 4%, 8%, 12% and 16% by weight of the soil. It is observed that after adding different percentages of tyre powder the shear strength of soil increases with reduction in seepage velocity.

A Study on Chemical Analysis of Water Samples From Musi River and Ground Water Samples

Vol. 6  Issue 4
Year: 2016
Issue: Sep-Nov
Title:A Study on Chemical Analysis of Water Samples From Musi River and Ground Water Samples
Author Name: G. Subbarao, Jeevan Kumar B and Prashanth B
Hyderabad is the 5th largest city in India. It has twin cities Viz., Hyderabad and Secunderabad with its suburbs extending up to 16 miles. The core cities, together with its nine surrounding municipalities are covering an area of 500 square km. The Hyderabad city discharges about 600 million litres per day untreated sewerage water into Musi River. A stretch of 13 Km from Nagole /Uppal IDA to Prathap Singaram is chosen as the study area as it is surrounded by more than 25 industries and their effluents are directly drawn into Musi River (IOSR-JESTFT 2012) [1]. The Musi River water is used for irrigation during its course of travel which leads to adverse effects on both flora and fauna. The bore well water samples in the radius of 1 km are collected at ten distant places at certain intervals along the Musi River to know the quality parameters. The collected samples are tested in the Telangana State Ground Water Department (GWD) to access the quality. The chemical analyses data for both Musi River and bore well water samples are obtained from the GWD for study and interpretation including its impact. Rainfall data of Uppal Mandal for 10 years beginning 2005 onwards is also collected from weather station of Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Rajendra Nagar, and Hyderabad for further studies. It is worthy to note that only Nitrates are recorded as high in all the samples when compared to the BIS standards, otherwise, the remaining parameters are in the normal range [4]. Among 10 stations, 8 stations are having high Nitrate (NO3 as N) values in which the highest Nitrate value of 35.40 mg/lts is observed from station-5 of R-Krishnaiah Nagar (V), Hayath Nagar (M) and station-9 i.e. of Submerged Well situated within the radius of 1 km from Thimmaiguda (V), Ghatkesar (M). Further, it is observed that bore well water samples of 1, 3, 6 and 9 are witnessed with moderate concentration of EC, TDS, Cl, Cam TH and NO3 whereas Musi River sample collected near R-Krishnaiah Nagar is witnessed with moderate to high concentrations of EC, TDS, Cl, Na, K, TH and NO3 . The objective of the paper is to minimize the impact of effluents and industrial wastes discharged by the industries by establishing more treatment plants.

Analysis of a Northlight Folded Plate – Whitney Method

Vol. 6  Issue 4
Year: 2016
Issue: Sep-Nov
Title:Analysis of a Northlight Folded Plate – Whitney Method
Author Name: G. Alekhya and V. Lakshmi 
Modernization and urbanization world-wide have led to the increase in many high rise buildings, industries and other commercial buildings. These structures incorporate large spans with column free spacing, urging the need of roofing system that can structurally support them. Folded plates and shell structures are those types of roofing systems that can support these large span structures, structurally as well as aesthetically. Folded plate structures have gained popularity and are being used extensively in Europe, America and Asia. Folded plates have wide range of applications as roofing systems in industrial structures, ware houses, coal bunkers, cooling towers, stair cases, auditoriums, etc. The present work is to analyze a northlight folded plate of span 20 meters, height 2 meters, manually by adopting an appropriate method of analysis which takes into account the effect of distortion for longitudinal stresses and transverse moments. The Whitney method is the appropriate method to analyze the northlight folded plate which considers the end plates as cantilevers. This method of analysis is a simplified mathematical approach in which the number of simultaneous equations to be solved is reduced to two. An attempt is made to model the same using STAAD.Pro.

Evaluation of Pedestrian Level of Service at Major Intersection of South Bengaluru City

Vol. 6  Issue 3
Year: 2016
Issue: Jun-Aug
Title: Evaluation of Pedestrian Level of Service at Major Intersection of South Bengaluru City
Author Name: Raksheet Somannavar and Sunil S
A steep rise in the volume of traffic in major metropolitan cities led to congested and jam packed roads. In order to avoid these situations, now-a-days, the traffic engineers are designing vehicle oriented roads which has risked the safety of pedestrian traffic in the highly populated urban areas. The present study was conducted at three major intersections of Bengalaru. The study aims at finding a walkable environment for pedestrians with minimum pedestrian-vehicle interaction. In order to determine Pedestrian Level of Service, a set of qualitative data was collected by devising a questionnaire and quantitative data was analyzed by Highway Capacity Manual method. Questionnaire data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis method and walking speed, and volume was used to find the Pedestrian Level of Service by Highway Capacity Manual method. After analyzing from Highway Capacity Manual and Questionnaire Survey method, the pedestrian level of service was determined at the intersections and it was found that the study area is not an ideal location for pedestrians to travel as they perceive the area is unsafe. By providing the necessary facilities, it is possible to increase the walking speed and decrease the cost of travel.

Road Safety Audit for the Major Roads in Bengaluru Connecting Arterial Road

Vol. 6  Issue 3
Year: 2016
Issue: Jun-Aug
Title: Road Safety Audit for the Major Roads in Bengaluru Connecting Arterial Road
Author Name: Channabasavesh Jidagi and Sunil S
Road Safety Audit is a formal procedure for assessing accident potential and safety performance of new and existing roads. Road safety Audit is an efficient, cost effective and proactive approach to improve road safety and it has potential to save lives. The frequency of traffic collision in India is amongst the highest in the world. In 2015, one person dies every 4 minutes in road accidents in India. The objective of the study is to present some basic concepts of Road safety Audit for the major roads in Bengaluru in the state of Karnataka in India. The numbers of road accidents in Bengaluru are about 10% of the total accidents in Karnataka. Hence, there is a requirement of Road Safety Audit to reduce the accidents. The Road Safety Audit is aimed at reducing the injuries, fatalities, deaths, etc., due to road accidents. In order to develop road safety measures, it is required to collect accidents’ data, traffic volume data, and analyzing the data to identify the Black Spots and ranking the black spots based on the deficiencies of safety measures and identify most accident prone location by Equivalent Property Damage Method (EPDO). At black spots, the cause for the accident is identified and remedial measures are proposed to reduce the fatality and the number of accidents. After conducting the Road Safety Audit, it is found that the vehicles parked on road side reduces the effective width of road and affect the fast moving traffic, and the location of bus stop also affect the traffic. Along with this, the road geometry and the poor sign boards will also affect the safety measure.

Comparison of Evapotranspiration Methods Under Semiarid Regions of Andhra Pradesh In India.

Vol. 6  Issue 3
Year: 2016
Issue: Jun-Aug
Title: Comparison of Evapotranspiration Methods Under Semiarid Regions of Andhra Pradesh In India.
Author Name: M. Jyothsna and K. Varija
Andhra Pradesh which is known as the “Rice Bowl” of India has a lot of development for the irrigation and water resource projects, for which accurate measurement of crop water requirement is required. To estimate the crop water requirement, evapotranspiration should be measured accurately. From many researches carried worldwide in the past revealed that FAO-56 Penman-Monteith method is the universally accepted method for estimation of evapotranspiration in any climatic conditions. This method requires huge data sets, therefore many empirical methods have been developed which require less numbers of inputs such as temperature based methods, radiation based methods, and mass transfer methods. In many places of the study area, the data required for the calculation of evapotranspiration by standard method are not available. Hence, there is a great area of interest for evaluating the best empirical method which is most suitable for these areas. So, here in this study an attempt is made to evaluate the best empirical method for semi arid regions of the study area. Four temperature based methods, four radiation based methods, four mass transfer methods and two simplified methods were proposed by Valiantza's for reduced data sets. A total of 14 methods were used in this study.

Planning of Cropping Pattern in a Medium Project by Optimisation Techniques

Vol. 6  Issue 3
Year: 2016
Issue: Jun-Aug
Title: Planning of Cropping Pattern in a Medium Project by Optimisation Techniques
Author Name: M. Visweswararao and K.B.R Prasad Reddy
Fixing of the cropping pattern in a project command is a difficult task. In the early stages, the cropping proposed is paddy under the irrigation project for the entire command area and also supply wettings, if required to the dry crops grown with other sources. Subsequently, the water was also supplied to the dry crops and these crops are known as irrigated dry crops. The crops considered should be suitable for the soils in the command and should also reflect the requirements and traditions of that area. Furthermore in the present scenario, water has become a scarce commodity where the planning should be such that the water utilization is minimum with good returns from agriculture. Optimization techniques are being extensively used to decide the cropping pattern by keeping in view of the minimum requirement of water and maximization of returns. In this paper, a case study of the medium project in the Godavari catchment in the reach of Sriramsagar and Inchampalli is considered. In the existing cropping pattern method, optimization is used to minimize the water requirement. This study indicates that this technique is helpful fixing the suitable cropping pattern for the proposed project.

A Study on the Properties of Pervious Concrete for Pavements

Vol. 6  Issue 3
Year: 2016
Issue: Jun-Aug
Title: A Study on the Properties of Pervious Concrete for Pavements
Author Name: D. Vijaya and P. Sravana 
Conventional normal weight Portland cement concrete is generally used for pavement construction. The impervious nature of the concrete pavements contribute to the increased water runoff into the drainage system, over-burdening the infrastructure and causing excessive flooding in built-up areas. Pervious concrete is a special type of concrete with a high porosity, used for concrete pavement applications that allows water from precipitation and other sources to pass directly through, thereby reducing the runoff from a site and allowing ground water recharge. In order to develop material specification for pervious concrete, it is necessary to conduct testing to evaluate the performance of this new type of high-performance concrete. Pervious concrete is sometimes referred to as “no-fines” concrete. In this study, the fine aggregate is used in various proportions such as 0%, 10% in the mix and the variation in the properties are studied. Properties such as density, void content, compressive strength, are studied for M20 grade by considering the w/c ratio as 0.34 and the design is done based on ACI 522 R10. From these studies, it is observed that the void content got decreased and the compressive strength got increased by the increase in fine aggregate percentage.

Development of Ultra High Strength Self Compacting Fiber Reinforced Concrete Using Latest Admixture

Vol. 6  Issue 3
Year: 2016
Issue: Jun-Aug
Title: Development of Ultra High Strength Self Compacting Fiber Reinforced Concrete Using Latest Admixture
Author Name: B. Narendra Kumar 
An experimental study was conducted to investigate the behaviour of Ultra High Strength Self Compacting Fiber Reinforced Concrete using quartz sand and quartz powder. The investigation is done to obtain the mechanical properties of Ultra High Strength Self Compacting Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHSSCFRC) by using the partial pozzolanic admixture, i.e. quartz powder, in addition to the use of hooked end steel fibers and complete replacement of river sand with quartz sand. In recent world, strength and flow ability in heavy reinforced structures have become a major issue. To boost up the strength, mineral admixtures like micro silica is added and the water-cement ratio has been drastically reduced. To overcome the reduction of water content, chemical admixtures are added in less dosage. The chemical admixture like superplasticizer and viscosity modifying agent increases the flow ability without segregation. Due to depletion of natural resources, we have to work at alternate fine aggregate. Hence it is required to use alternate materials like quartz sand to obtain more durability. Quartz sand has more resistance against acidic content in nature and high temperatures. The paste prepared by using quartz sand and quartz powder is much denser than the paste prepared by river sand, which easily flows in and compacts itself even in heavy reinforced structures. The study revealed that quartz powder and quartz sand can be used for developing UHSSCFRC by reducing water content and satisfy the flow properties according to EFNARC. The test result for acceptance characteristics for self compacting concrete such as slump flow, v-funnel, and L-box are presented. Further, the strength characteristics for 7 days, and 28 days are also presented.

Expansive Soil: Causes and Treatments

Vol. 6  Issue 3
Year: 2016
Issue: Jun-Aug
Title: Expansive Soil: Causes and Treatments
Author Name: Faezehossadat Khademi and Jeff Budiman 
The expansive soil problems lead to structural and geotechnical engineering challenges all over the world. Expansive soils are the type of soils which their volume changes considerably depend on their water content. It is worth mentioning that, the expansive soil problems can occur in both humid environments and arid/semi-arid soils.
Buildings, roads, pipelines, and other structural members have always been subjected to damages resulted from expansive soils which this damage is even more than twice the damage resulted from floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes. Understanding the behaviour and characteristics of these types of soils can help scientists control the imposed damages to the structure. This paper is a comprehensive study on expansive soils, its nature, shrinkage-swell behaviour, as well as expansive soil causes and treatments.

Design and Analysis of Pipe Network System by Using EPANET

Vol. 6  Issue 2
Year: 2016
Issue: Mar-May
Title: Design and Analysis of Pipe Network System by Using EPANET
Author Name: Seshagiri Rao Boddu and Rohini Kumar
Water is a basic necessity for every human being and is used for various purposes like drinking, cleaning, sanitation, etc. This shows the fact that how important it is to make water available for residential locales, industries and other such commercial establishments. Designing is an important part in the construction of any major infrastructure. Supplying and availability of water is an integral part of construction now-a-days. With the advent of technology, the authors have now designed, analysed, studied and modified various types of pipes and pipe networks for complex and sophisticated conditions. EPANET is one such software which allows to carry out all such operations. The process gives us to explore a wide variety of choices quickly and in a short span of time. If any new buildings are constructed in future, the pipe lines are easily designed by using EPANET on trial and error process. The present analysis explains about the functioning and working of EPANET. The solution is robust, simple, and it proved to be useful and practical for the modeling as it is illustrated on the hydraulic models of DIET campus.

Chemical Treatment of Water & Wastewater Treatments by Alum

Vol. 6  Issue 2
Year: 2016
Issue: Mar-May
Title: Chemical Treatment of Water & Wastewater Treatments by Alum
Author Name: Manish Kumar and Shri Ram
Practical applicability of water is playing a major role in each and everyday of human lives. Water for use may be pure or impure depending on the practical applicability of their usage. Taking a simple example of washing the floor can be an impure form, but when it deals with the consumption of human being or cattles the water must meet the standard sets given by the International and National Governmental Environmental Agencies. This is a phase for direct contact with the person, but for industrial purposes the quality of water must be very high. But strictly saying the quality of water directly depends on the usage specific or production specific functionalities. The quality of water required in the, Tanning industry may not be the same in the Electroplating Industry. There is one more recent development, which is compelling the industries to go for wastewater treatment, which is a zero liquid discharge of the industrial wastewater from the municipal sewer. But coming to specific treatment processes, Chemical treatment, is the one which is extensively used in the field of treatment of water in both domestic as well as industrial purposes.The usage of alum and chlorine in the field of water treatment can be done extensively in domestic as well as industrial purposes. . Hence in this paper, subsequent to this series, the authors have come across many chemicals used in the field of water and wastewater treatments.

Study on Microstructure of High Strength (M100) Hybrid Fiber Self Compacting Concrete Containing Quartz Materials Subjected to Acid Attack

Vol. 6  Issue 2
Year: 2016
Issue: Mar-May
Title: Study on Microstructure of High Strength (M100) Hybrid Fiber Self Compacting Concrete Containing Quartz Materials Subjected to Acid Attack
Author Name: B. Narendra Kumar and G. Vishnupriya
Concrete is always affected by various physical and chemical attacks under environmental conditions. Acid attack is one of the common phenomenon, which affects the microstructure of concrete, and thus decreasing the strength and durability. Several researchers have reported the effects of acid attack on modern day concrete through strength and durability studies, but concrete has a complex microstructure, so it is very difficult to constitute the realistic models of its microstructure from which the behaviour of the material can be reliably predicted. In the present study, High Strength Hybrid Fiber Self Compacting Concrete (HSHFSCC) cubes of M100 grade are prepared using quartz materials. The specimens are cured for 28 days in water and then immersed in HCl and H 2SO4 solutions with 5% and 10% concentration for 28 days and 90 days. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis is carried out to determine the phase amounts of various compounds in a multiple phase mixture of HSHFSC concrete. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is used to visualize the elements in the microstructure of the HSHFSC concrete.

Performance Evaluation and Efficiency Assessment of Sewage Treatment Plant Using Bio-Tower Technology

Vol. 6  Issue 2
Year: 2016
Issue: Mar-May
Title: Performance Evaluation and Efficiency Assessment of Sewage Treatment Plant Using Bio-Tower Technology
Author Name: Ankit Kumar Singh and Govind Pandey 
The Wastewater Treatment plants are designed and constructed with an aim to control wastewater so that it helps to reduce the quantity of pollutants, nutrients, biological organism, bacteria, etc. The study is based on continuous monitoring and collection of data for six months (July 2015 to December 2015) of two plants, Kodra and Ponghat plants in Allahabad city. Both the plants are based on Bio-Tower Technology, which is an improved or modified version of trickling filters. The research work presents the results of the evaluation carried out for the efficiency analysis of STP based on Improved Bio-Tower Technology located in Allahabad city for handling and treating the municipal wastewater.

Behavioural Studies on Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete Slabs of Grade M 100

Vol. 6  Issue 2
Year: 2016
Issue: Mar-May
Title: Behavioural Studies on Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete Slabs of Grade M 100
Author Name: S. Sesha Phani and T.Seshadri Sekhar
In this experimental study, attempts have been made to observe the suitability of high strength self compacting concrete slabs of grade M100 with and without Glass and Steel fibers. Experimental investigations were carried out on ultimate load and load deflection characteristics of the slab. Self Compacting Concrete Slabs were cast with varying percentage of steel fibers from 0% to 1.5% and glass fibers of 0% and 0.03% of sizes (S.Sesha Phani,,2015)1400X1200X100 mm were casted These specimens were tested for ultimate load and load-deflection characteristics,and failure characteristics is seen after 56 days curing. It has been observed that, the presence of higher percentages of steel fibers, an improvement in the failure behaviour is seen. Also, with the addition of glass fibers, the load carrying capacity is increased along with the prevention of the development of multiple cracks and micro cracks

Effect of Fly Ash and Lime on Stabilization of Expansive Soil

Vol. 6  Issue 2
Year: 2016
Issue: Mar-May
Title: Effect of Fly Ash and Lime on Stabilization of Expansive Soil
Author Name: P. P. Dahale, P. B. Nagarnaik and A.Y. Gajbhiye
Efficient use of waste materials is a proven solution to the problems associated with their disposal. Fly ash is one such material produced from thermal power plants that requires a huge disposal area and creates environmental problems. Stabilization of weak soils with fly ash not only improves the engineering properties of soil, but also provide answers to the issues of fly ash disposal. This paper reports the results of laboratory investigation carried out on clayey soil stabilized with fly ash and hydrated lime. Effects of lime, fly ash and the days of curing studied on Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS), California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and compaction parameters of the stabilized soil were also analyzed. An attempt was made for establishing a relationship between the tensile strength and compressive strength of the 56 days cured stabilized mixes. Brazilian Tensile Strength (BTS) of lime-fly ash stabilized soil at 56 days curing varied in the range of 22 to 143 kN/m2 and UCS from 143 to 2172 kN/m2 . Remarkable strength increase indicates that the clayey soils can productively stabilize with fly ash and hydrated lime.

Predicting the 28 Days Compressive Strength of Concrete Using Artificial Neural Network

Vol. 6  Issue 2
Year: 2016
Issue: Mar-May
Title: Predicting the 28 Days Compressive Strength of Concrete Using Artificial Neural Network
Author Name: Faezehossadat Khademi and Sayed Mohammadmehdi Jamal 
Predicting the compressive strength of concrete has always been a difficulty, since the concrete is sensitive to its mixture components, methods of mixing, compaction, curing conditions, etc. Scientists have proposed different methods for predicting the compressive strength of concrete. Some of these methods have been successful, however, some others were not suitable enough to predict the compressive strength of concrete. The aim of this study is to evaluate the capability of Artificial Neural Network Model (ANN) in predicting the 28 days compressive strength of concrete. Therefore, considering the specific concrete characteristics as input variables, Artificial Neural Network Model is constructed and the compressive strength of concrete is predicted. Results show that ANN is a suitable model to predict the 28 days compressive strength of concrete.

Tunnel Construction in Pir Panjal (Himalaya) Using NATM [Case Study T-74R Railway Tunnel of Katra-Banihal Section of Kashmir Rail Project]

Vol. 6  Issue 1
Year: 2016
Issue: Dec-Feb
Title: Tunnel Construction in Pir Panjal (Himalaya) Using NATM [Case Study T-74R Railway Tunnel of Katra-Banihal Section of Kashmir Rail Project]
Author Name:Syed Kaiser Bukhari, Ayaz Mohmood Dar and Maqbool Yousuf
The new railway link project between Katra-Banihal is one of the current, most significant Indian projects aiming to join the Kashmir valley with the whole Indian railway network. The T-74R tunnel, going from km 125+310 to km 133+910 (new alignment chainages), is being excavated between the right side of the Bishlari river valley (roughly 5km downstream and southward of Banihal) and the last 5km of the left hillside of its tributary, the valley of the Mahumangat Nallah.The tunnel passes through heterogeneous geology which was highly deformed and having high squeezing property likelihood of heavy water inflow in the limestone zone with heavy overburden. New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM) was Preferred over TBM. The New Austrian Tunnelling Method includes a number of techniques for safe tunnelling in rock conditions in which the stand-up time is limited before failure occurs. This paper highlights the various techniques of construction of the tunnel (T-74R) in rugged Himalyan Range. 

Static, Modal and Transient Dynamic Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates with Holes

Vol. 6  Issue 1
Year: 2016
Issue: Dec-Feb
Title: Static, Modal and Transient Dynamic Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates with Holes
Author Name: K. Maithry and B. D. V. Chandra Mohan Rao
The use of laminated composites has been increasing day-by-day in various fields of engineering. Laminated composite plates are quite often subjected to dynamic loads and hence it is vital to study the dynamic behavior of such structures. Structural performance of these composite plates need to be evaluated properly, when they are subjected to dynamic loads. The behaviour of laminated composite plates are affected by excessive vibrations, higher displacements and accelerations which may severely deteriorate the structural performance, when they are subjected to dynamic loads such as impulsive loads. So, there is a need to find out a fiber orientation, that produces least dynamic response parameters. Hence, the purpose of this research work is to investigate the dynamic response of the laminated composite plates subjected to excitations, varying arbitrarily with time and to suggest a robust fiber orientation. Laminates may be provided with holes to cater for different purposes in various streams of engineering. Static, Modal and Transient dynamic analysis of laminated composite plates, simply supported at all the edges has been carried out in this study. Laminated composite plates with holes at different positions are investigated for different fiber orientations by considering two types of loadings i.e., Triangular impulsive loading and Rectangular impulsive loading. This part of the research has been carried out using finite element software ANSYS 13.0.

Flow and Strength Properties of Geopolymer Mortar

Vol. 6  Issue 1
Year: 2016
Issue: Dec-Feb
Title: Flow and Strength Properties of Geopolymer Mortar
Author Name: Shashank B.S, Suresh Varad, Praveen Kumar K and Ram Thilak
Mortar is a basic ingredient of masonry which helps in binding together the masonry units. The strength and elasticity properties of masonry are not only dependent on the properties of constituent but also on the intricate interaction between the units and the mortar. Thus any study related to the performance of masonry should not exclude studies on mortar. There are quite a good number of mortars which are commonly used that possess relative advantages and disadvantages. These conventional mortars are generally 10-15 mm in thickness. Since these conventional mortars constitute to 7% - 25% of gross volume of masonry, there are manufacturers who have came out with alternative “Geopolymer Bricks” recently. So in this paper, the authors try to find the properties of a Geopolymer mortar. This can be made from alkaline solutions. In this study, an attempt has been made to understand the workability and strength properties of a Geopolymer Mortar. The study includes Geopolymer mortar with different molarities 4M, 8M, and 12M. And also fly ash has been replaced with 10%, 20%, and 30% of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS). 1:3 proportion of fly ash to sand ratio has been maintained throughout the work. Based on the study it is found that the workability of fresh Geopolymer mortar decreases with increase in the GGBS replacement. Increase in the compressive strength of the Geopolymer mortar increase with the increase in molarity and compressive strength of the cubes increases up to the replacement of 20% of GGBS for sun curing after which it decreases to a considerable amount.

Evaluation of Dynamic Elastic Modulus of Roller Compacted Concrete Containing GGBS and M-Sand

Vol. 6  Issue 1
Year: 2016
Issue: Dec-Feb
Title: Evaluation of Dynamic Elastic Modulus of Roller Compacted Concrete Containing GGBS and M-Sand
Author Name: S. Krishna Rao, P. Sravana and T. Chandrasekhar Rao
Use of industrial by-products such as Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBS) as one of the raw materials in Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement (RCCP) is appropriate to deal with the sustainability of concrete and industrial growth. The present experimental investigation assesses the potential of GGBS in roller compacted concrete for pavement applications. The fine aggregate used in the investigation was Manufactured sand (M-sand) in place of natural river sand. The Ultrasonic Pulse Velocities (UPV) was determined at various ages varying from 1 day to 90 days of curing. The GGBS is used as partial replacement of Cement at the range varying from 10% to 60% by weight. The UPV of GGBS Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement (GRCCP) was lower for all mixtures at 1 day when compared to control mix concrete. However as the age of concrete increases the Ultrasonic pulse velocities were appreciably improved for all the mixes. Empirical relationships between strength, UPV and Dynamic Elastic Modulus were proposed. A new model is proposed to determine the Dynamic Elastic Modulus of GRCC.

Design Consideration in Horizontal Flow Grit Chamber for Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant

Vol. 6  Issue 1
Year: 2016
Issue: Dec-Feb
Title: Design Consideration in Horizontal Flow Grit Chamber for Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant
Author Name: Manish Kumar and Shriram
The objective of the paper is to design Grit Chamber which is efficient for removal of Grits. Separation may be applicable for the different type of methods which may include discrete settling, flocculants settling, compressed settling, accelerated gravity settling. The removal of grit is being done by the process of sedimentation which is being done in the primary phase of water and wastewater treatment. The design of grit chamber is being done on the basis of various parameters which may be in due consideration depending on the influent characteristics, which may lead to design consideration for different treatment plants. Talking of the treatment of wastewater or water, the first phase of treatment is the separation of physical ingredient which are carried away by different means in water and wastewater. Separation of grit is important as going into the system may affect the operation of the wastewater treatment system as it may lead to wear and tear of the Mechanical Equipments. Settling velocity plays the vital role in the design of Grit Chamber which is explained in detail in this paper, as it affects the settling of the particles and also horizontal velocity is made into consideration of the design of Grit Chamber.