Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Numerical Analysis of Damage Propagation for Shaped Charge Jet Impacts into a Concrete Target

Vol. 1 No. 2
Year: 2011
Issue: Mar-May
Title: Numerical Analysis of Damage Propagation for Shaped Charge Jet Impacts into a Concrete Target 
Author Name: Joseph Indeck, AndrewThompson , Seokbin Lim 
Jet impacts, from a conical shaped charge, onto a brittle concrete target were examined utilizing the numerical analysis software AUTODYN® to identify a general damage propagation trend.  In order to understand general damage propagation, parameters other than penetration depth were used.  Specific parameters including the impact angle and jet coherency were varied.  Since concrete is a heterogeneous material that contains large amounts of impurities, voids, and non-linear material characteristics, the study of damage propagation is an important topic in various applications areas.  A simplified numerical analysis of the impact event was accomplished as a preliminary study to understand the relationship of a shaped charge jet impact and subsequent damage propagation behaviors.  It was identified that the particulated jet, after elongation, creates more substantial damage propagation characteristics than that of solid jets. 

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