Vol.4 No.1
Year: 2014
Issue: Dec-Feb
Title : Numerical Modelling of Pull Out Resistance of Anchored Stone Column in Soft Clay
Author Name : Chokhawala H. N, Desai. D. J , Rudani S. V. , SHAH R. D. , Raval K. J. , Dr. Yogendra Tandel
Synopsis :
Ground improvement refers to a technique that improves the engineering properties of the soil like shear strength, stiffness and permeability. Stone column is one of the ground improvement techniques often applied due to its low cost, environment friendly and ease in construction. Stone column are employed to resist the compressive loads. They are not capable to resist uplift pressure. Stone column modified with anchor at the base of the stone column refers to as Anchored Stone Column (ASC). ASC can resist uplift pressure addition to compressive load. An anchor placed at the base of the stone column and attached to the footing by a cable or rod transfer the applied force to the bottom of the stone column. This paper demonstrates the result from two dimensional finite element analysis, using PLAXIS 2D software, under taken on a typical unit cell model. The study will investigate the ability of ASC to resist uplift force and failure modes. The parametric study consider the effect of length to diameter ratio of stone column, area replacement ratio, stiffness of the stone column material to that of soil surrounding the stone column.
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