Thursday, 23 January 2014

Analysis And Adaptation Of An Environmental Assessment Tool For India

Vol.3 No.3

Year : 2013

Issue: Jun-Aug

Title : Analysis And Adaptation Of An Environmental Assessment Tool For India

Author Name : Darshan Devendrappa, Rachel Horn

Synopsis :

Sustainable development is generally reflected as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future. It has become very hard to meet with the growing infrastructure and exploitation of resources, without the consideration of serious risks caused to the environment. Carbon emissions from various sources contribute to Global warming causing erratic weather conditions, rising temperature and climate change leading to large scale negative effects to the planet. Therefore the growth of infrastructure which inevitably cannot be stopped can still be measured and kept under boundaries of safe limits aiding in the reduction of environmental impacts. This can be achieved by the use of Environmental Assessment tools to measure the sustainability of a product in a built environment. The development of these tools is mainly influenced by the country of its origin and on the region it is used extensively, making it difficult in adopting the same tool for different scenarios around the world. A survey has been conducted among people related to the construction industry in India to get a better understanding of their perceptions to these assessment tools. From the findings of the survey and data gathered it has been recommended that LEED 2009 for New construction and Major Renovations as more appropriate for Indian conditions with certain customized changes in its environmental issues.

Experimental Studies Of Local Scour At Cylindrical Pier Fitted With Collar

Vol.3 No.3

Year : 2013

Issue: Jun-Aug

Title : Experimental Studies Of Local Scour At Cylindrical Pier Fitted With Collar

Author Name : sabita madhvi singh, P. R. Maiti

Synopsis :

Flow in an open channel with an erodible bed is usually accompanied by transport of sediments. Scour may occur as a result of natural changes of flow in the channel or as a result of man-made activities, such as construction of bridge pier structures in river bed. The present study aims to investigate the intense of local scour around circular pier fitted with collar. For this purpose, experiments are carried out in the laboratory flume. The channel of the bed is prepared by laying uniform size of Ganga sand. In this study, the sand bed in the open channel is similar to erodible bed with two rigid wall boundary of the flume. The two collars are used with dimensions 2D and 3D with eccentric to the cylindrical pier, where D is the diameter of cylindrical pier. The effect of collar on scour is studied experimentally and presented. The efficiency of reduction of scouring is observed when the pier is fitted with collar.

Development and Characterization of Developed Foamed Carbon Fiber Composite -Review Paper

Vol.3 No.3

Year : 2013

Issue: Jun-Aug

Title : Development and Characterization of Developed Foamed Carbon Fiber Composite -Review Paper

Author Name : Radha Raman Mishra, Rajesh S , A.K.Sharma , Dr. A K Jha

Synopsis :

The major trends, advance materials which well known for better weight to strength ratio are on demand. The carbon fiber composites materials are copse to advance material those categories, satisfying modern design requirements and application range from domestic appliances to aerospace, however, the cost of production is major concern in development of composite materials. In the present studies the wax cylinders are used as foaming agent and get evaporated after sintering and leaves pores structure. The composites were developed using hand lay-up method. Investigation was carried out to understand the mechanical property, machining behaviors while drilling and microstructure observation of developed composite. It is observed that, developed composite greatly absorbing impact load and found marginal delimitation. The microstructure observation shows that, there is no dislodge bond between the fibers.

Properties Of Self Compacting Concrete Subjected To Sustained Elevated Temperatures

Vol.3 No.3

Year : 2013

Issue: Jun-Aug

Title : Properties Of Self Compacting Concrete Subjected To Sustained Elevated Temperatures

Author Name : Shanthappa. B. C., Prahallada M.C , Prakash K.B

Synopsis :

This paper presents an experimental investigation on the effect of high temperature on the properties of SCC produced by the combination of admixtures (Superplasticizer + Viscosity modifying admixture + Air entraining agent + Retarder). The concrete testing specimens was prepared by a mix proportion 1:2.7:6.1:5.1 with cement: fly ash: sand: coarse aggregate with a water/binder ratio of 0.38. After 28 days of curing all specimens were removed and weighed 0 0 0 0 accurately and kept in the oven where they were subjected to 100 C, 200 C, 800 C and 900 C as the case may be for 4 hours. The specimens after cooling were weighed again to find the percentage loss of weight and were thoroughly observed for their change in colour and cracks. These specimens were tested for their respective strengths for different percentage addition of last admixture. SCC produced with the combination of admixtures show better resistance to elevated temperatures.

Effect Of Different Curing Methods On The Properties Of Waste Plastic Fibre Reinforced Concrete

Vol.3 No.3

Year : 2013

Issue: Jun-Aug

Title : Effect Of Different Curing Methods On The Properties Of Waste Plastic Fibre Reinforced Concrete

Author Name : Prahallada M.C, Prakash K.B

Synopsis :

The main objective of this experimental investigation is to find out the effect of different curing techniques on the strength and shrinkage properties of concrete containing waste plastic fibre. The primary variables considered in the study are immersion curing; accelerated curing and curing by curing compound are selected. In addition to this effect of deviational curing (immersion curing and delayed curing) on strength and shrinkage properties of concrete containing waste plastic fibre are studied. The shrinkage properties are studied with respect to maximum length of crack, maximum width of crack, number of cracks and area of cracks. The waste plastic fibre reinforced concrete show better performance with respect to compressive strength, flexural strength and shrinkage characteristics in immersion curing than in accelerated curing and curing by curing compound.